The Dacian Saga Series

Path Of the Fairies

2nd edition
414 pages
ISBN 978-3-00-079637-1

Available on amazon

Dacia is the hidden kingdom in the Carpathians. Its people call them the Blues. Their life is simple, their destiny entwined with the land they live on. But then, the enemy comes for their riches, their lives and their souls. The fairies wail and the gods get angry. It is time for the warriors to stand tall and fight.
Because a land belongs to a people only as long as they are willing to defend it.

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A Blue Path of Gold

1st edition
388 pages
ISBN 978-3-00-079638-8

Available on amazon

It is time to fight again. But this time the enemy is closer. How is a new king to find the right path for his people? How is he to inspire and lead with a broken heart? And how is he to put the kingdom before the woman he loves?

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Path Of the Lost

1st edition

Scheduled to be published in March 2025

The kingdom has thrived for almost twenty years. But now, another emperor sees it as a threat again. There is no escape for the Dacians. The king is no more, his warriors are dead or turned into slaves. The women alone are left to fight for themselves and for their children. Is there a place on earth where they can find shelter? Will they be able to protect the future of their people?

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About the Author

Simona Huber was born in Romania in 1960. She has a master’s degree in Lanbguage and Literature from the University Al. I. Cuza in Iasi, Romania She moved with her family to Germany in 1990. In 2001 she went to the US where she spent seven years in Irvine, California. Finally she returned to Germany where she has been living ever since.
“Path of the Fairies is her sercond book after its Romanian version ”Drumul Sanzienelor”.

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Simona Huber’s “The Path of the Fairies” is unlike any historical fiction you have read or movies you have watched set in the time of the Roman Empire.
Yes, there is an invading Roman army, with a haughty Roman commander, and there are vivid battles and cunning strategic maneuvers. And yes, there is a brave barbarian general leading his soldiers against the arrogant Roman militia.
These familiar plot elements, skillfully written and packed with surprises, are found within a book that is gentle, and full of heart and beauty. The teenage fraternal twins introduced in the beginning evolve during the pages into complex, admirable adults not due to fighting Romans, but due to experiencing life. These two characters make “The Path of the Fairies” an excellent YA pick, although its audience is far wider.
Nature itself, and specifically the kingdom of the Dacians (present-day Romania) is itself a character, and the rich and frequent descriptions make it easy to understand why its citizens would die to defend their homeland from the Roman invaders. By the end of the book, after fierce battles and heart-breaking prices paid for what is clearly only a temporary victory against the Romans, the reader is heavily invested in the Dacian kingdom, its new king, and its people. A second book in this series will be welcome.

About the Reviewer
Judy Johnson is a retired newspaper reporter and editor and marketing professional. As a lifelong writer and reader, she enjoys reviewing books for her fellow bibliophiles.

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